Writer of children’s stories seeking representation for picture books
I’ve been writing stories my whole life and for almost two decades, writing stories and accompanying developmental workshops has been a primary focus.
I have founded two businesses, Drama Llamas and Animateys, both dedicated to inspiring children to learn and develop through experiencing stories actively.
A few years ago I took a step back from my entrepreneurial endeavours to focus on developing my skills as a picture book writer. Many people think writing a picture is easy, but to do it well takes years of graft, practice, critique, rejection and single-minded resilience. I’ve been on my picture book writing journey around four years now and I’m loving the process. I’ve completed two courses with WriteMentor, had my work critiqued by several accomplished authors, and I’ve just joined the Golden Egg twelve months picture book writing course, which I’m really excited about. I’m a member of two amazing critique groups which are my biggest support and source of advice and encouragement.
I’m developing various writing styles and voices. I love fast-paced rhyme but have recently been experimenting quite a bit with a more conversational style in prose. The more I write, the more I find myself leaning towards funny stories. Although I guess funny has always been my preference in reality: thinking back to my live storytelling, there was nothing better than having a whole group of little faces laugh (sometimes raucously) at the bits you hoped they would! My aim is to achieve the same laugh-out-loud experience with picture books, regardless of who the storyteller is.
I am currently looking for representation.
Watercolour by Christine Turner