Writer, Storyteller & Learning Designer…
Welcome to my site. I am a learning experience designer, a storyteller and a writer of children’s stories. And it’s when I am able to bring these three passions together that I am at my happiest.
I set up Animateys to make it easy for Early Years practitioners to incorporate active storytelling workshops into their curriculum, without the cost of hiring in external activity providers. I’ve worked with hundreds of nurseries, schools and parents; helping children learn through story, music and dramatic play.
Animateys has moved to this site where I’ve opened up free access to nurseries, schools and other Early Years Practitioners to four of my active story sessions.
ANIMATEYS has moved here
I have recently taken a step back from my entrepreneurial ventures to focus on my picture book writing with the aim of finding representation. I write in a range of styles but my favourite stories are always the funny ones.
Picture Book writing
I work as Head of Learning Design at VirtualSpeech, using virtual reality and artificial intelligence to create active learning experiences. I use my storytelling skills on a daily basis in this role to provide context and meaning to the experiences.
In this role I’ve also had the opportunity to speak and facilitate training session at events across the world.
Learning Design
Speaking about VR roleplays for crisis support, Gothenburg, Sweden.